Our Morning Routine
When is the last time you showered without an audience? I didn’t realize my answer to that question until I was asked by Little Spoon to talk about my new normal as a mommy for their #ThisIsNormal campaign. I don’t know about anyone else but mornings in our home are chaotic since having baby no. 2 and I realized that aside from it taking hours to get out of the house, it really is a miracle that I or any mama for that matter can actually shower and get dressed in the morning.
I always love to know how other moms are getting it all done. Maybe there’s some kind of magic green juice they drink to make them not tired. Maybe Charlotte Tilbury is making some kind of under eye potion that wipes away the dark circles, or a sticker chart that prevents toddler meltdowns when you try to get them dressed? OR maybe really I’m just secretly searching to find that other moms are just like me and I want to hear all about their chaos routine to make me feel better about mine. I figured filming a video of a very pregnant me and a very rambunctious Isla during our morning routine would serve the same “we’re in the same boat” feels that those videos and posts serve me. So join me and my mini in the early AM to see how it all goes down…. bed head and mismatched Christmas jammies included.